Why Choose MELT

I first learned about MELT in a Pilates training session - someone asked if we had heard about MELT.  I was in the right place at the right time and I am glad I was!  After some research I discovered that this was going to be the answer to chronic pain I had been having for about 10 years.  I had seen every physician and tried many ways to ease my pain and finally had found something that worked.  After 2 months of  Hand and Foot treatments my pain had reduced to almost nothing!  I immediately looked into how to get trained so I could bring this to others.  6 months later I had completed training and began helping others get out of, and stay out of chronic pain.

This revolutionary new method has many other benefits!  I began experiencing much better sleep, felt more rested in the morning, and my lower back pain was gone.  Do these ailments sound familiar to you?  MELT is a great choice for help with these issues and many others.